diabetes management for type2 diabetes patients - Diabetes Truths and Control


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diabetes management for type2 diabetes patients

        Diabetes management for type2 patients

Diabetes management

Years ago, it was firmly held that there is no treatment for either of the two forms of diabetes that affect most people. For many individuals, this may seem like a bleak future, but as of 2022, there are at least some reasons for optimism because we can prevent the negative impacts of diabetes at least in part by managing our diabetes properly. And that's how we need diabetes management.

Diabetes Management

The use of drugs for blood sugar control, such as thiazolidinediones, sulfonylureas, DDP-4 inhibitors, and metformin, was further explored by researchers. 

Some diabetes related medications were advised against because they might cause heart-related issues, whilst others were strongly advised because they don't lead to weight gain or hypoglycemia.

Proper diabetes management for type2 diabetes patients can give you many years of healthy and natural life again, for best living.

Although reading statistics and reports on paper might not seem all that shocking, the long-term effects of uncontrolled diabetes can most definitely be shocking. 

In fact, chronically uncontrolled blood sugar levels can cause heart, kidney, nerve, and eye disorders.

1. Effect of diabetes on eyes

Retinopathy, or persistently high blood sugar levels, can harm the retina, the lining at the back of the eye that detects light. 

Blindness is a far worse problem that can result from severe injury. 

High blood sugar raises a person's risk of glaucoma and cataracts, which are conditions that cloud the eyes (buildup of fluid in the eye).

2. Effect of diabetes on kidneys

The kidney's filtering mechanism may get constricted as a result of high glucose and too much protein, which could result in nephropathy or renal failure. 

High blood pressure risk is also increased by inadequate renal function.

3. Effect of diabetes on Nerves

Motor, sensory, and autonomic nerves are all put under stress by persistent hyperglycemia, which has an impact on many different bodily parts and organs.

Amputation may result from nerve injury (neuropathy), especially in the extremities (primarily toes and fingers).

4. Effect of diabetes on heart

Here, it is further discussed how strongly linked diabetes and heart disease are. 

In addition, diabetes that is not treated early in childhood raises the risk of heart disease at a much younger age.

Without a doubt, uncontrolled diabetes has hazardous and even catastrophic long-term implications. Fortunately, diabetes treatment allows you to regain control of the disease by implementing the following lifestyle adjustments 

And that we call as Diabetes Management.

A. The role of diet in Diabetes Management.

A balanced, healthful diet is essential for controlling blood sugar levels. 

Particularly with regard to sources of carbohydrates, consumption is suggested in regular, moderate portions, typically through three meals and one to two snacks spaced out evenly throughout the day. 

Stick to more nutritious carbohydrate sources, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, beans and legumes, instead of ingesting carbs from refined flours and sugars. 

Lean proteins and healthy fats should also be consumed to help you feel full and naturally maintain a good balance of calories and nutrients.

B. The role of exercise in Diabetes management

The majority of the week should be spent being active, for at least 150 minutes, according to recommendations. 

To promote calorie burning both during and after exercise, the mix of aerobic and anaerobic activity is additionally encouraged. 

While anaerobic activity mostly consists of any repetitions of weight lifting or strength training, aerobic exercise includes brisk walking, running and jogging, swimming, riding, and hiking.

C. Weight Management

Weight loss can naturally occur if a healthy diet is modified and implemented along with regular exercise. 

It has been demonstrated that achieving a healthy weight—less than 25 based on body mass index (BMI)—improves insulin resistance and provides more precise blood sugar control.

D. Importance of Medications

People frequently view drugs in one of two ways: as a panacea or as a sign of weakness or lack of self-control. 

While drugs help to control blood sugar, achieving healthy levels may be impossible if you don't make the above-mentioned lifestyle modifications. 

Additionally, a prescription for medicine does not automatically indicate a person's inability to regulate their blood sugar levels because some people actually require it to manage their diabetes. 

The good news is that after blood sugar levels show improvement and stabilization as a result of lifestyle changes, medicines may be lowered or even stopped.

E.  Monitoring Diabetes is also important

Along with the aforementioned compliance advice, keep an eye on the state of your body. Keep a food diary so you can eventually show how different foods and mealtimes affect blood sugar levels. 

HbA1C, blood pressure, a lipid panel (which includes total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides), and weight patterns are additional important labs to keep an eye on.


Diabetes is a silent and serious. There is no specific medicine to finish up diabetic condition in a human body. 

but, by proper management of the things as shown above, diabetes can be controlled for sure, and whereas type2 diabetes is most likely to be as well as cured, by proper management. 

Every diabetic should maintain a systematic diabetes management program for better and healthy living.
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diabetes management for type2 diabetes patients diabetes management for type2 diabetes patients Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 12:47 PM Rating: 5

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