How to Lower Blood sugar by some useful Vitamins - Diabetes Truths and Control


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How to Lower Blood sugar by some useful Vitamins

How to Lower Blood sugar by some useful Vitamins

Some vitamins and minerals play a Great Role in lowering blood sugar and this way found useful in diabetes treatment.

What are those Vitamines?

  1. Vitamin B complex
  2. Thiamine or Vitamin B1
  3. Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5
  4. Biotin or vitamin B8
  5. Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6
  6.  Magnesium.
  7. Chromium.
  8. Manganese

Now Let's see each of them how they can be useful

1. Vitamin B complex – All the Vitamins of group B are valuable in the treatment of diabetes. Due to the lack of knowledge about vitamines intake, of these vitamins, diabetics mostly have a deficiency  of Group B vitamins in their blood. and because of high urinary loss, they exhibit symptoms of vitamin B deficiency. 

Significant improvements have been reported in patients of diabetes with only 16000 units of daily supplements of the vitamin B complex. As these vitamins help reduce blood fat and cholesterol, they should be generously be taken at all times, even to lower the blood sugar also.

2.Thiamine or Vitamin B1 

This vitamin has special value amongst the various vitamins of group B. Generally, Thiamine or vitamin B1  are lacking in Diabetic diet and this often leads to the development of neuritis, which is cured faster as large amounts of this vitamin are given. 

The primary natural vegetable sources of thiamine(vitamin B1) are wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, the outer layers of rice, wheat and other whole grain cereals, pulses, nuts, peas, lime, legumes, dark green leafy vegetables, banana, and apple

Vitamin B1 is said to be particularly valuable in preventing damage to the brain during diabetic acidosis. The greater the insulin requirement, the higher is the requirement for vitamin B1 

3.Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 

This very important vitamin as per the insulin demand, natural vegetable sources are wheat germ, whole grain bread, green vegetables, and peanuts.

4. Biotin or vitamin B8.

Biotin is found in brewer’s yeast, rice bran, rice germ, rice polishing, and peanut butter.
The more a patient need Insulin, the more he heeds this vitamin.

5.Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6 

This is again a very vital vitamin for a diabetic to lower the blood sugar
When the Diabetes diet is lacking in vitamin B6 or pyridoxine, an essential amino acid tryptophan, is converted into a fetal compound known as xanthurenic acid. It has been found out in the research that xanthurenic acid is responsible for damaging the pancreatic tissue. and diabetes go more worst.
so, this vitamin is a must for any diabetic.

Diabetic patients who are taking 50 mg of vitamin B6 daily have improved upon a significant decrease in urinary xanthurenic acid. In one case, the quantity dropped almost 97 percent the first day, and that is very encouraging news in the quest of lowering blood sugar.

The patients who consumed a daily dose of  10 to 20 mg of vitamin B6, are found with the complete absence of urinary xanthurenic acid. This indicated that no xanthurenic acid was formed in the body. So, for every diabetic, they should have a liberal intake of vitamin B6. 

The main natural sources of pyridoxine(vitamin B6) are milk, brewer’s yeast, cereals, legumes, green leafy vegetables, and carrot.

6. Magnesium

magnesium is said to contain the wonderful properties of the human body. but, the sad thing is, only a few people know about it as there is a lack of awareness about diabetes and its proper treatments.
let me tell you very frankly and openly that doctors and some big pharma companies never want that you be cured, and come out of your diabetes type2, as you are the earning source for them.

and that's why, only a few doctors recommend it, whereas it has many advantages to a diabetic as well as the normal person, like It helps maintain muscles and nerves, regulates blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and prevents heart attacks.

for a diabetic patient it is  seen that especially the legs becoming stiff and jumpy( having spasms)
and the intake of a magnesium supplement immediately stops it. Magnesium is needed for more than 300 processes in the body.

Poorly controlled diabetes increases the loss of magnesium in urine and may increase an individual's need for magnesium. A medical doctor would determine the need for extra magnesium in this situation.  There is no need for supplementation with magnesium for individuals whose diabetes levels are well-controlled.

Doctors should routinely evaluate magnesium status of a diabetic in order to lower blood sugar levels as the final aim. When potassium and calcium levels are abnormal, there is the reason to doubt on magnesium levels, and a magnesium supplement should be taken at that instant.


 specifically, Chromium Picolinate is suitable for lowering blood sugar levels. When the studies are made on humans, they have suggested that chromium picolinate decreases insulin levels and improves blood sugar metabolism in both people with obesity and people with type 2 diabetes. routine chromium supplementation has not been incorporated into the nutrition guidelines published by the American Diabetes Association. 


Manganese is again an essential nutrient and easily available especially in seeds and whole grains, and in smaller amounts in legumes, beans, nuts, leafy green vegetables, and even in tea!

Manganese has plenty of advantages on the human body and one of them is lowering sugar levels. The safe limit for adults to consume up to 11 mg of manganese per day. patients with liver or kidney disease need to be cautious about Manganese supplements. for the dianetic it has advantages like, regulate blood sugar & contributing to decreased inflammation.

Thus, in today's blog post we Examined, which vitamines and minerals are helpful to a diabetic person to maintain the sugar levels or lowering the sugar levels.


How to Lower Blood sugar by some useful Vitamins How to Lower Blood sugar by some useful Vitamins Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 7:13 AM Rating: 5

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