The Diabetes Diet - Diabetes Truths and Control


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The Diabetes Diet

   The Diabetes Diet

 Although a “miraculous” diabetes diet never exists to cure the disease, if you are a patient of diabetes type2, there are diet laws you have to follow, and that will make sure you stay as healthy as possible.

 When it comes exactly about it, regulated and filtered nutrition is the only “diet” you need to follow. Many people are never used to following a healthy diet, but once they get into the circle of things, eating a well-planned diet will become part of their lifestyle. and that we call as a diabetes diet.

To make start in that direction, it’s advisable to start following the nutrition guidelines in the Food Pyramid, with emphasis on carbohydrate intake. Also, a well maintained and regular meal schedule and specific exercise control helps much to diabetics.

diabetics can consume starches in the diet, as long as they control eating and don’t eat much starchy food. Examples of  Starch foods are bread, cereal, and starchy vegetables.

 A diabetes diet is not that hard to maintain. just certain things you have to observe and follow a bit differently.  like, 

  • Consume five fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. 
  •  eating a piece of fruit for a snack several times a day, 
  •  eating vegetables with dinner. 
  • Soups, stir-fries, and chili make good hiding places for veggies. if you need clever ways to add more good stuff into your meals.

 If I  tell you You can still eat sugars and sweets (surprising right ?) with type 2 diabetes, but do so in moderation, which means once or twice a week maximum. You can make a trick to your self is to split a dessert or sweet in half. and one more thing, if there are times to eat the sweet, remember one thumb rule- never eat it at once,  eat-in intervals.

Soluble fibers are very beneficial to diabetics and it should be surely included in a diabetes diet, you need to get as many as these into your Diabetes diet as possible. Luckily, you will find soluble fibers in many foods, that include fruits, vegetables, and even seeds. Soluble fibers play an excellent role as they help in slowing down and reducing the absorption of glucose from your intestines. Legumes (example- cooked kidney beans and Oats &Hazelnuts) have the highest amount of soluble fibers, and also keep blood sugar levels in check. same time, beware of Insoluble fibers, found in bran, whole grains, and nuts, are also part of a healthy diet because they work like intestinal scrubbers, by cleaning out the lower gastrointestinal tract but maybe not be the part in a diabetes diet.

For the majority of people, consulting a dietician is one of the best ways to craft a good diabetes diet.  As we know, No one is the same as the other, so consulting and discussing with your physician and nutritionist will ensure your personal diet plan which is the best suite for you.

A trained professional will take into account your lifestyle, medication, weight, other medical issues, and your favorite foods and especially your eating habits, to be presented with a plan that will keep you healthy and satisfy your cravings for particular flavors and even some special foods also.

A Healthy Weight – and Lifestyle

If you have type 2 diabetes, you have to be very conscious about maintaining a healthy weight. With type 2 diabetes, added body fat actually makes it more difficult for your body to produce and use insulin. lowering it as little as 10 or 20 pounds has the good potential to improve upon your blood sugar remarkably.

Are you diabetic and Smoking too?

Smokers are advised to get out of that habit as early as possible, because smoking can worse or more serious to diabetes and make it more difficult to cope with the disease. Because diabetics often experience blood circulation problems in the legs and feet, in that scenario, smoking is a dangerous habit to continue – it decreases blood flow even more. other smoking results are increased LDL cholesterol and the risk of heart attack and brain stroke.

ONLY If you keep your blood sugar under control, moderate alcohol consumption is allowed, but take my advice -- avoid drinking on an empty stomach, as this can lead to low blood sugar. research well on your body To learn how much alcohol you can safely include in your Diabetes diet, consult your doctor.

What about Fat and Carbs?

You need to control the number of carbs you consume by practicing your daily intake of carbohydrate counting. This involves keeping track of the total number of grams of carbs you need to eat at meals or snacks, now this depends upon your medication and how much exercise you do regularly. you should use a carbohydrate counting book, which you can get being a part of a perfect diabetes diet planning and reversal guidance.

What about the heart?

When you are a type 2 diabetic, you are at a higher risk for facing heart problems, Nowadays, most physicians make a recommendation to limit fat below around 30% of your total daily caloric consumption – this can be achieved by eating less fat overall and strictly staying away from saturated fat. You should also pay attention to cholesterol levels by eating smaller amounts of meat, and again, sticking to lean meats, such as poultry and fish.

So what is the conclusion?

For you as a diabetic, you should understand very well that you can not eat that all as a normal person can eat. there should be a special decided Diabetes diet plan for you and you just have to accept it, and follow it as the part of your life now. there are super chances in the case of type 2 diabetes, that mainly caused by the irregular lifestyles and lack of exercise, that you may able to reverse your type 2 diabetes also!

As far as the diabetes diet is concerned, It will take some time to adjust to your new diabetes diet and ADOPTING healthy lifestyle, especially if you haven’t followed healthy living practices in the past, but the results will be worth the effort. Not only will you be able to better manage your diabetes, but you will also become a much healthier person.

The Diabetes Diet The Diabetes Diet Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 8:49 AM Rating: 5

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