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How to reduce the Risk of Heart Attack after being diagnosed as Diabetic

How to reduce the Risk of Heart Attack after being diagnosed as Diabetic

As a result, you've been diagnosed with diabetes. After the first shock has worn off, you'll have to live with the resulting alterations in your way of life.

 There's a better way to look at life if you know that this isn't the end but just the start of something new.

There are no more days when you felt like garbage and didn't know where the problem came from. People often feel relieved when they finally figure out what the problem is, which can make them happy.


There is less stress because they know their life is now on a straight path. A little. As you start a new life, you'll have to make a few changes. The first thing your doctor should have done is put you on a new meal plan.

Over time, the elevated glucose levels in your blood cause the blood vessels in your body to thicken, preventing the flow of oxygen-rich blood through them.

When blood flow is impeded, the heart needs to work harder to pump the blood into the veins, just like an electric water pump.

This is called blood pressure in your body and that means – the high blood pressure.

People with diabetes have high blood pressure, which can cause other problems. For a while, this can cause you to have high blood pressure and other problems, but over time, the vessels in your body become thicker and thicker, so your heart can't pump blood through them and you have a heart attack.

This is called sudden cardiac arrest also.

So you know now that how your diabetes can lead you to make the cardiac arrest situation.

You need to take some sure steps to prevent your blood vessels being thick with the extra glucose effect in your blood.

Here are following suggestions for that

Insulin injections may be required if you have either Type I or Type 2 diabetes.

Relax, things are going to get only better now that your health is being managed correctly.

Your new diet will include a lot of low-carb foods, which can be a pain if you're a big fan of savory foods. As long as your quality of life goes up immeasurably, there's no reason not to do it, right?

All of your favorite foods may be enjoyed on a low-carb diet if you just keep an eye on your intake. Maintaining a healthy diet necessitates moderation and a constant awareness of what you're putting into your body.

Here are some other lifestyle modifications that can optimize blood flow:

1. Quit smoking: Smoking is a
risk factor for many chronic diseases — such as cancer — and can
negatively impact circulation

2. Increase physical activityExercise
stimulates blood flow and helps improve vasodilation. Plus, regular 
exercise decreases your risk of heart disease

3. Lose weight: Being
overweight or obese negatively impacts blood flow and can lead to
dangerous complications, such as plaque build-up in your arteries

4. Follow a healthy diet: Instead of
simply stocking up on particular foods, try switching to a diet rich in
healthy, whole foods — such as vegetables, healthy fats and fibre-rich foods — which can improve circulatory health.

5. Stay hydratedProper hydration
I critical to all aspects of health, including circulation. Dehydration
can damage endothelial cells and promote inflammation in your body, restricting blood flow

6. Reduce stressResearch proves that stress levels
can significantly impact blood pressure.
Through yoga, meditation, gardening or spending time in nature


Having to deal with the sickness for some time will make you an expert at self-care. Protein-rich foods like meats and nuts will be your best friends because they have low carbohydrate content.

This isn’t to say that you should go on a “no carb” diet, management and moderation is the key.

All in all, you should stay in touch with your doctor and nutritionist while you are still in the early stages of the disease. As you start a new life, they'll be there for you.

More of this you can add following 16 foods to your daily life those  are sure to promote your blood circulation and easy blood flow.

1.                Cayenne Pepper

2.              Pomegranate

3.              Onions

4.              Cinnamon

5.              Garlic

6.               Fatty Fish

7.               Beets

8.              Turmeric

9.               Leafy Greens

10.           Citrus Fruits

11.             Walnuts

12.           Tomatoes

13.           Berries

14.           Ginger

Add above foods in your daily food and make a habit to live longer heart life and control your diabetes also.

CHECK ABOVE TO SEE A VIDEO PRESENTATION how you can get rid of your diabetes by some simple remedies. 

watch this VIDEO to know more

How to reduce the Risk of Heart Attack after being diagnosed as Diabetic How to reduce the Risk of Heart Attack after being diagnosed as Diabetic Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 1:17 PM Rating: 5

5 Diabetes Travel Tips for Diabetic persons

         5 Diabetes Travel Tips for Diabetic persons

Planning ahead when you travel reduces stress.  This is particularly important for a diabetic.  These 5 diabetes travel tips are simple to implement and crucial to your diabetic management and...


Planning ahead when you travel reduces stress.  This is particularly important for a diabetic.  These 5 diabetes travel tips are simple to implement and crucial to your diabetic management.  They are particularly important if you are traveling abroad.


1)  Have a pre-travel check-up.  Make sure your A1C blood sugar levels; your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels are OK.  Get the appropriate shots for any country you plan to visit.


2)  Wear a diabetes medical ID.  Ideally it should be in the language spoken in the country you're visiting.  Not everyone speaks your language and you don't want medical problems through misunderstandings.


3)  Keep your medication and glucose snacks in your hand-luggage.  Check-in baggage does, unfortunately, go astray. Don't risk your diabetes medication by packing it in your main luggage.

4)  Keep your medication in its original box, complete with pharmacy labels.  It will prevent misunderstandings about why you are carrying drugs and, if you are on insulin, syringes.


5)  Be aware of time zone changes, especially when altering your watch.  Remember when you travel east your day becomes shorter; if you travel west your day becomes longer.  You may need to alter the timings of your medication.

 Traveling need not be traumatic.  A sensible attitude and a bit of pre-travel planning can make things go far more smoothly.

Learn more about diabetes remedies here 
5 Diabetes Travel Tips for Diabetic persons 5 Diabetes Travel Tips for Diabetic persons Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 11:25 PM Rating: 5

How to prevent diabetes

              What is PreDiabetes? how to prevent diabetes

             How to prevent diabetes

                                          Pre Diabetes symptoms and treatment  

            Diabetes is a very serious disease suffered by millions of people worldwide.

This blog post explains to you very well what is diabetes, and what is called pre-diabetes and at the same time the remedies on how to prevent diabetes.

If you are diabetic and not  taking care of your blood glucose levels you are likely to suffer from one or more serious medical conditions,

1. heart disease
2.kidney failure
3.damaged nerves.

Prediabetes is a condition in which your blood glucose levels are higher than they should be but not so high that you are diagnosed as diabetic. Research shows that 70% of people of this condition will turn into full type 2 diabetes. That's why it's very important to prevent diabetes.

But at the same time, this also means that 30% of them are successful to manage to hold the development of full diabetes symptoms and before it goes more worst. So, if you have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic, there are large chances that you fall to that 70 % who suffer from full diabetes conditions.

 if you take the case of staying away with diabetes, obviously you can not change your past behavior, your age, or your genes but you can surely change your lifestyle... and that matters most with type 2 diabetes. your eating habits, your sleeping habits, and patterns, are taken into account when it comes to type 2 diabetes prevention.

To understand prediabetes, and to prevent diabetes, first of all you need to understand how your digestive system work.

The normal foods you eat are mainly a variety of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in different proportions. different substances add different things in your system. for example, meat contains mainly protein and fats. Vegetables such as potatoes contain lots of carbohydrates. and the same way other vegetables and fruits add other forms of vitamins, and minerals in you.

When digestion of the food is started, the food you eat is broken down into main substances like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These substances are then further broken down in your digestive system and then the final outcome residue is released into your blood-stream which delivers them in all your body.

From where the energy comes?

All energy that your body needs or it uses, comes from glucose. Glucose is just simple sugar. But it is your body's primary source of energy.

Most glucose comes from digesting the sugar and starch in carbohydrates which you get from food such as rice, pasta, grains, bread, potatoes, fruits, and some vegetables. The glucose produced by digestion in your stomach is then absorbed into your bloodstream which is then delivered to your body cells as the final destination.

The Glucose is acting as the fuel for your cells... it powers your movements, thoughts, your whole body existence and just everything you do is the cause of glucose burning as the fuel

NOW, understand this very carefully

 To power your cells, glucose has to get into them. It can only do this with the help of insulin.

What is Insulin and what is its Role?

Insulin is a hormone (or a type of chemical) produced by your pancreas. The pancreas produces and releases insulin into your blood where it travels all your body and meets up with glucose everywhere. The purpose of insulin is to make glucose enable you to enter your cells.

To do this, insulin attaches itself to a receptor on the surface of the cell. This causes the cell membrane to allow glucose to enter the cell. The cell can then use glucose as its fuel. that is the natural mechanism set by nature in a healthy human body.

This glucose-insulin system has to work properly to keep you healthy.

what happens when this system fails?

If  due to some and some reasons, the insulin does not do its job of 'opening the cell lock' for glucose, resultantly, the glucose will not be able to get into the cell... and as the outcome, the cell will run out of fuel., -- and you start feeling "tired"

what are the prediabetes signs?

Prediabetes usually doesn't have any signs or symptoms. One possible sign of prediabetes could be the darkened skin on certain parts of the body. especially on your feet. ( depends and varies by every person)

Now let us redefine the meaning of  DIABETES  with these findings.

Diabetes is a condition in which the glucose-insulin system does not function correctly.

Diabetes can mainly be divided into 2 types

1.Type 1
2.Type 2

More than 90% of diabetics have type 2 diabetes in this world.

In type 1 diabetes the pancreas does not produce any insulin or, or even a very little production of it.
so the glucose when produced in the body, does not ever get insulin when it reaches to the cell to get into the cell, in order to get you fuel for your daily life, and in other words, glucose is not consumed by the cells.
No consumption of glucose by the cells this way in your body, results in excessive sugar in your blood! and that we call as the excessive sugar in the blood or " high sugar"

Type 1 Diabetes is the worst form of diabetes and cannot be cured. The only way these diabetics can survive is by taking a regular dose of insulin by various methods, so as to provide insulin to the cells in order to get fitted with the cell receptors and let the glucose to enter and to be used as the fuel, to run the normal human life and body functions.

In type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, the pancreas does produce insulin which is released into the bloodstream. But when the insulin arrives at a cell it does not get attached to a cell receptor. So it cannot induce the cell membrane to open and allow glucose to enter the cell.

This situation we know as "Insulin resistance" and it is the condition in which insulin is unable to attach itself to cell receptors.

Why the insulin becomes unable to get attached to cell receptors? 

To understand that, just Imagine a key trying to get into a lock in a door. but find the lock- jammed... so the key cannot get in. but the thing to amaze is, There is nothing wrong with the key and nothing wrong with the lock. But simply the lock has to be cleaned out.

One of the main reasons for insulin resistance is having cell 'doors' that are jammed with FAT. This fat needs to be cleaned somehow, to correct this whole process!  The only way to 'unjam' them is to remove all from your daily diet for almost four to six weeks and until the cell receptors are free of fat.


How to be prevented from diabetes?

I guess by now you got it, what do you have to do mainly to prevent type 2 diabetes which develops from pre-diabetes conditions those are actually the warning bells, to the full-blown chronic condition. with its RELATED  risks of heart attacks, strokes, blindness, kidney transplants, leg amputations, and other dreadful conditions?

 first of all and very important is to change your lifestyle. change your habits those you are used to with like

1.Awaking up too late nights
2.Waking up late
3.No fixed time for eating.
4. Eating junk and high carb foods
5.Coming out of depression.

how can you do that all? here is the answer.
you can overcome all of the above habits those are leading you towards the diabetic conditions with following

2. Diet
3. waking up early in the morning
4. Scheduling your daily tasks,
5 Stop eating high carb foods.
6. Stop eating saturated fat foods
7.Treating your self for depression ( if have it or even you are simply emotional people)
8. Doing yoga and "Pranayam" regularly

There are things that can prevent you from going inside the deep well of diabetes.
if you are always confused about foods, what to eat, and how much quantity, you can take the help of the professionals who can deliver the right food at your doorstep anywhere in the USA.  or CANADA.

If you are confused about doing things listed above and want more detailed and step by step information on how to follow the steps, you can go here with these programs.

But the moral of the story is -- prevent your self from diabetes anyhow before it harm you non-reversible ways.

Below is listed more things in detail you can do to improve upon your diabetes, or to get rid of diabetes from the prediabetes situations.

1. Avoid sedentary behavior

The "sedentary" lifestyle can be defined as, you sit most of the day and undergo a little physical activity.  when you are sitting more than 1 hour at the same place, you don't know that is the way created for your diabetes ! so keep moving in between work!

An analysis of the results of 47 studies found that people who spent most of the day engaged in sedentary behavior (eg, office workers) have a 91% risk of developing diabetes, and let me tell you most of the IT professionals are likely to have behavior.

If you  are working in an office, there are ways you can improve upon your sedentary habits:

1. Stand up from your desk and walk around for a few minutes every hour.
2. Stand instead of sitting when talking on the phone.
3. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
4. Park far away from the supermarket so you have to walk a good distance to get inside.
5. Go for long walks in the evening (easy if you have a dog).
6. Do a lot of different exercises

The best way to reverse sedentary tendencies is to commit to specific actions you can do every day.

2. Understand the Importance of Doing Excercise

Research has shown in past years that physical exercise increases the insulin sensitivity of cells. when you exercise, less insulin is required to enable your blood glucose to enter your cells.
now you understand the importance of exercise in the context of we previously discussed insulin inability to let glucose enter into your cells?
it clearly meant that when you do a lot of exercises, you are reducing the requirement of insulin for the glucose to enter into your cells.

This is interesting to know the right meaning to do exercise right?

Many types of physical activity reduce blood glucose( as the glucose now successfully entered into cells to burn when you do exercise ) levels in prediabetic adults who are obese or overweight... including aerobic exercise, strength training, and high-intensity interval training. (HIIT)

One study of prediabetics indicated that high-intensity exercise(HIIT) increased insulin sensitivity by 85%... while moderately intense exercise increased it by more than 50%. But this effect only happened on the days that YOU actually worked out.

Another study found that to improve insulin response in prediabetics, they needed to burn at least 2,000 calories a week through exercise... but that is not too hard to do if you set your EXCERCISE schedule with the help of some professional programs to it.

The trick is to find a physical activity you enjoy and can undertake regularly, and the most important thing is to stick to it for the long-term.

3. You have to Quit smoking

Other than different types of lung cancers, breast cancers, prostate cancers, colon cancers, esophagus, and digestive tract cancers, as well as emphysema and various kind of heart disease, research also indicates that there are strong links between smoking (and exposure to passive smoking) and type 2 diabetes.

  but remember, quitting smoking reduces this risk over time, and not immediately.

A study of middle-aged male smokers indicates that five years after quitting their risk of developing diabetes was reduced by 13% and it took long 20 years to be the same as people who had never smoked.

4. You have to Lose weight

Some normal healthy people and even Some diabetics ask me this question so often that -- how are my weight and the diabetes is related? they generally have misconceptions that they have no relation!

But, you will notice that The majority of people who are in full bloom with type 2 diabetes are overweight.  In addition, people with pre-diabetes tend to have visceral fat ... ie they carry their excess weight around their middle and abdominal organs such as the liver. ( in other short easy to understand words- you can see their big tummy)

Studies have shown that excess visceral fat promotes insulin resistance, increasing the risk of diabetes significantly. This risk can be reduced by losing weight, especially around the middle. ( on the belly)
you can read the article here - "why the belly fat is more dangerous"

One study of more than 1,000 people found that for every kilogram (2.2 lbs) they lost, their risk of diabetes was reduced by 16%. This study also found that the maximum reduction of risk was 96%, ie a loss of 6 kilograms (13.2 lbs).

There are many healthy ways of losing weight,

2.simple dieting. following and effective diet plan drinking a lot of water ( water therapy is effective)

You have many dietary options to choose from:

 1.Mediterranean diet,
 2.paleo diet,
5. low sugar diets
6. keto-diet

 if you are confused about your diets there are quality suppliers in USA and CANADA who can deliver you the right semi food for weight loss at your doorstep as per you design your dish and even from the delicious dishes!

you can buy ready to cook foods available with diet ingredients and that also you can order online.

As you already know from the above paragraphs,  that the main cause of type 2 diabetes is fat obstructing the receptors in your cells so that the insulin is unable to open the cell membranes to allow glucose to enter. and that increases the SUGAR  in the blood.
so the simple  "cure" is to unblock the receptors!

How you can unblock the receptors on the cells?

As you are pre-diabetic( i guess) it is likely that fat is already beginning to gum up the receptors. You can unblock the receptors by minimizing the fat you ingest in your diet.

To minimize the fat you can take care of the following.

1.make sure that less than 10% of the energy in any food you eat comes from fat (read the labels)
2.reduce your consumption of meat, eggs and dairy products as much as possible
3.focus on foods based on plants (fruit and vegetables).

6. Reduce the refined carbs you eat

Refined carbohydrates are refined sugar and grain products that have been milled.
this kind of food looks good but, The process removes dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals from the grains.

what are the Examples of refined carbs?

1.white sugar
2granulated sugar
3.high fructose corn syrup
4.white bread dough 
6.pasta, pastries 
7.white flour 
8.white rice
9.sweet desserts
10.many breakfast cereals
and so on.

Refined carbs are inducing diabetes, but how?

This is because simple sugars and refined carbs are digested very quickly and are absorbed rapidly in the bloodstream. This results in a spike in the level of glucose in your blood.

But, as you are pre-diabetic, your body's cells are resistant to the action of insulin. and because of this,  this glucose spike pushes your pancreas to produce more and more insulin.
with the time, this leads to higher and higher blood glucose and insulin levels in your blood until you are full diabetic

To avoid this by avoiding any sugar intake that you are taking regularly and easily. stop using sugar in your tea and coffee, and stop drinking sodas and other sugary drinks. and start eating natural foods such as whole grains, legumes, fruits, and uncooked vegetables, all of which are top sources for unrefined carbohydrates.

7. Eat a high fiber diet

Dietary fiber is the indigestible portion of plant foods. There are two types of fibre and eating plenty of both types is crucial for preventing pre-diabetes from turning into the full-blown variety.

both types of fibers are good for you.

Soluble fiber is a fiber that dissolves in water with a gel-like material that slowdowns the rate at which food is absorbed, and this way reducing the happenings of sudden spikes in blood sugar.

 while as Insoluble fiber cannot dissolve in water but does absorb water which makes your stool heavier and easing its passage. It too is linked to lower down in blood glucose but how it works is still not clear to researchers.

what are the main sources of soluble fiber? 

1.legumes (beans, peas, etc)
2.grains (oats, rye, and barley)
3.vegetables such as broccoli, carrot, and artichokes
4.root vegetables such as sweet potatoes and onions
and the insides of some fruits such as prunes, plums, berries, bananas, apples, and pears.

1.what are the main sources of Insoluble fiber
2.whole grains
3.wheat and corn bran
4.nuts and seeds
5.potato skins
6.flax seeds
7.fruit such as avocados and bananas... s
8.some skins such as on tomatoes
and vegetables such as green beans, cauliflower, courgettes (zucchini), and celery.

The golden words:

Some plants contain significant amounts of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit and you will get enough fiber to prevent your pre-diabetes from developing into diabetes.

8. Minimize your intake of processed foods

Processed food is really a Poison.
foods such as bacon, sausage, paté, salami, breakfast cereals, cheese, tinned vegetables, bread, savory snacks (crisps, sausage rolls, pies, and pastries), cakes and biscuits, microwave meals and so on, are full of oils, added fats, added sugar, refined grains and all sorts of additives.

 you may be the victim of many health problems with the  Processed foods. those are linked to all sorts, including diabetes. One study found that poor-quality diets that are high in processed foods increase the risk of diabetes by 30%.

So you are the one taking steps to prevent diabetes developing and turning into chronic diabetes, and facing much more things linked with it a life long, you need to say a  BIG NO  to the processed foods and instead of that, Eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, and other plant foods.

9. Restrict portion sizes

when you are sitting to eat and keep on eating till your stomach is full and super full, you are inviting a lot of blood sugar immediately raising your blood sugar levels, and you need to avoid that.

Studies have found that Those who reduce the amount of food they eat in one meal had a much lower risk of developing diabetes compared to those who continued to eat large amounts of food at once. AND for days.

and on the positive side, the study of a group of people with prediabetes held in Europe that shows that those who practiced portion control lowered their blood glucose and insulin levels significantly after 12 weeks.

So, to prevent the onset of diabetes, you need to practice portion control( eat small, eat less)

10. Drink lots of water,  coffee and tea ( without sugar)

Water- it's life, and I don't know why we are getting far from it?
why our body needs to search the water and separate it from other complex things and why the kidneys have to do the extra work, to separate it from other beverages? and those extra, unnecessary beverages, add up the extra harmful things to the body!

why are we not drinking simple water . to be prevented from prediabetes, as well as more than 1000 other deceases?

 make a habit to Stick with water most of the time and that means you will be avoiding beverages that are high in sugar, preservatives, and other questionable ingredients.

A large observational study of 2,800 people found that those who consumed more than two servings of sugar-sweetened beverages a day had a 99% increased risk of developing Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) and a 20% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA) is a form of type 1 diabetes and in that the pancreas does not make enough insulin to compensate the glucose dumped in the body, the cells of the pancreas are dieng slowly and this is seen mostly beyond the age of 18.

studies have proven that increased water consumption (as opposed to upping the number of sodas or fruit juices you consume) leads to better blood glucose control and insulin response.

So drink plenty of water, at least 2 to 4 liters, a day to stop diabetes developing.

Now you may wonder to read this, that
Coffee and tea contain polyphenols, antioxidants that may protect against diabetes. Green tea also contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a unique antioxidant that has been shown to reduce the release of blood sugar from the liver and to increase insulin sensitivity.

Several studies have shown that drinking coffee on a daily basis reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by anywhere from 8 to 54%. The greatest reduction in risk is seen in those who drink the most.

An analysis of several studies, that included tea as well as coffee, found similar results. This review also showed that the risk of developing diabetes was reduced the most in women (of all sizes) and overweight men.

So it's plenty of water, tea, and coffee for pre-diabetics who wish to avoid developing diabetes.

NOTE:  WHEN  it is said that tea and coffee are good for prediabetes, you should work with your mind, and do not have to take the overdose of those. the normal tea and coffee both contain the things that are even not good for the body drink it WISELY.

11. Take daily nutritional supplements

When we say, "nutritional supplement" it covers micro-nutrients such as vitamins, dietary minerals, and fatty acids.

Vitamins are vital for health. There are 2 major groups of vitamins.


  B group of vitamins and vitamin C. These vitamins are not stored in your body and you get rid of excess quantities in your urine. Thus they cannot build up to toxic levels in your body.


These are vitamins A, D, E, and K.
But now, so as to absorb these vitamins, you need a little fat in your diet. Any excess amounts are stored in your body fat so they could, theoretically, build up to toxic levels. But it's rare.

while as  Minerals are divided into two groups

1.major minerals and
2.trace minerals.

Major minerals are the minerals you need more than 100 milligrams (mg) each day.

These minerals are


Trace minerals are those needed in amounts of less than 100mg every day.
Trace minerals are,

4 fluoride
5 selenium
9. molybdenum.

 These Minerals are used in a variety of processes. For example, your body uses calcium to make bones and teeth, and iron to make the hemoglobin in your red blood cells.

Although the functions of all vitamins and dietary minerals are not yet fully understood by scientists, and even though the results of clinical tests often contradict each other, a daily dietary supplement should help prevent your pre-diabetes developing into diabetes. here is a blog post on " how to control your diabetes by vitamines"

Now as a summary of vitamins and minerals for the intake,
Here's what you need to take on a daily basis:


Vitamin B12 (4mcg)
In a separate tablet • for the health of your nervous system as your pre-diabetes is likely to be affecting your nerves already.
Calcium (400mg) plus vitamin D (2.5mcg)
together in a separate tablet • to ensure the health of your bones

High-strength cod-liver oil capsule with vitamins D and E
in a separate capsule • to make sure you ingest adequate amounts of the essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6

 Amongst all these, vitamin D more important, because this vitamin is important for good control over your blood glucose.

Interesting studies found that persons who have too low vitamin D in their bloodstream are at a greater risk of all types of diabetes. whereas persons with the highest levels of vitamin D in their blood were 43% less likely to develop diabetes compared to persons with the lowest levels.

Most health organizations recommend maintaining a vitamin D blood level of at least 75nmol/l (30ng/ml).

There is good news that when people who are deficient in vitamin D take supplements, their blood glucose levels had become normal and their risk of developing diabetes is reduced significantly.

READ THIS article here how vitamins can help to reduce your diabetes

12. Are you with nature? adding natural herbs to your diet?

There are a lot of claims, that certain herbs can prevent your pre-diabetes from developing into the full-blown version of the disease.
you should believe those, as ultimately it is said "to be with nature" and the one who be with nature, nature makes his life much better and free from deceases.

 There are certainly some herbs with nature that play a great role in preventing diabetes. or even to cure it permanently! read it here more with a separate blog post on how the herbs can cure your diabetes.


It is a highly aromatic spice with a very distinctive flavor. It is used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of medical conditions, apparently with a lot of success.

Some of the independent studies suggest that cinnamon can cut fasting glucose levels by up to 30%, so you should begin sprinkling one small teaspoon on your breakfast (oatmeal) in the morning.

Within a few days, you will feel or notice a significant reduction in your blood sugar levels and that is sure.

So I can surely advise that this spice, in the form of ground powder you can buy from your local supermarket, can help you improve your blood glucose levels and thus help prevent your pre-diabetes developing into diabetes.

2.Bitter melon 

It's bitter gourd or karela (in India), is a unique vegetable-fruit that can be used as a food or medicine. It is often recommended for the control of diabetes.
Many clinical studies have shown that bitter melon is effective in improving blood glucose levels, increasing the secretion of insulin and decreasing insulin resistance. in India, people use it freely.

For example, the results of a four-week clinical trial were published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, which showed that a 2,000 mg daily dose of bitter melon significantly reduced blood glucose levels among patients with type 2 diabetes. However the hypoglycemic effect was less than that of a 1,000 mg per day dose of metformin, a popular diabetes medication.
it should be ONLY TO BE avoided if you are pregnant or want to get pregnant.

It is a component of turmeric, one of the main ingredients in curries. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries with excellent results.
Researches show that curcumin can help reduce inflammatory markers in persons with pre-diabetes.

In a controlled 9-month study of 240 pre-diabetic adults, none of those who took 750mg of curcumin per day developed diabetes, but over 16% of the control group did. The study also noted that insulin sensitivity amongst those who took curcumin increased, as did the functioning of their insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.


It is an alkaloid extracted from various plants used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is proven to have anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects. It has 2 advantages by reducing the production of glucose in the liver and increasing insulin sensitivity.

A mixed kind of 14 studies of human and animal research has shown that 1,500mg of berberine, taken in three doses of 500mg each, is equally effective as taking 1,500mg of metformin or 4mg glibenclamide, two popular pharmaceuticals for treating type 2 diabetes. Berberine is one of the few supplements shown to be as effective as conventional diabetes medicines.

Berberine, however, can interact with other medications and caution needs to be exercised... ask your doctor before you try to use it to prevent your pre-diabetes from getting worse.

So what is the conclusion?

Pre-diabetes can develop into full-blown diabetes very quickly if you do nothing about it. And the medical consequences of diabetes are very serious indeed.
So take your pre-diabetes seriously and deal with it as outlined above. this will enable you to live a pleasant and fruitful life.

YOU need to have a well-planned strategy to take preventive measures either guided by your doctor or if your doctor has no time for you, in each and for every question arises in your mind, check here you will find the readily available and proven systems to take preventive as well reversing measures on your diabetes.

If you want to know the Truths of  Diabetes, and why the pharma companies and doctors don't want you to always be on diabetic medicines, check this video presentation.


How to prevent diabetes How to prevent diabetes Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 9:13 AM Rating: 5

reverse diabetes today

                        Reverse diabetes today

ATTENTION! If You or Someone You Love is Suffering from Diabetes, Then This Will Be the Most Important Message You Will Ever Read...
Discover How Thousands of Men and Women Worldwide Have Already Used The Reverse Diabetes Today™ System To Lower Blood Sugar To Normal And Safely Reverse Their Type 2 Diabetes in Three Weeks Or Less!
Dear Friend,
Are you suffering from any of the following symptoms?

Tired of pricking your fingers with painful and expensive needles everyday…
  • Worrying about all the long-term diabetes complications...
  • Facing a 70-80% higher risk of stroke and heart disease...
  • Feeling guilty about food and your weight…
  • Being concerned with not being able to lose weight, which the medicine seems to put on and keep on…
  • Feeling anxious or frustrated for not being able to permanently treat your diabetes despite all your efforts?
  • Being overwhelmed by the daily care and vigilance the disease requires…
  • Dealing with the “side-effects” of your medications...
If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms, there are now things you can do to reverse and eliminate them from your life by following a simple, natural and easy to follow diabetes treatment with zero side effects. A research-backed program that's been proven to work better, faster, cheaper, and safer than prescription drugs.
Hear from the world’s top doctors and Nobel Prize winners and learn how to quickly lower your blood sugar naturally and eliminate the need for prescription drugs and insulin injections.
  • Normalize Your Blood Sugar - Without Pills, Calorie Counting or Hunger
  • Restore Pancreatic Function and Eliminate Insulin Resistance
  • Prevent Or Reverse Diabetes Complications
  • Increase Insulin and Leptin Sensitivity So You Can Easily Lose Weight and Keep It Off For Good
  • Get Completely OFF Your Diabetes Medications Permanently
  • Boost Your Energy Levels, Strengthen Your Immune System and Improve the Quality Of Your Life Dramatically...

reverse diabetes today reverse diabetes today Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 9:32 PM Rating: 5

Reverse your diabetes

Reverse your diabetes
Diabetes reversal is possible
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