14 signs your blood sugar might be very high - Diabetes Truths and Control


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14 signs your blood sugar might be very high

14 signs your blood sugar might be very high

blood sugar is a hidden enemy.
it may be visible or it may not be visible with its signs so that it can draw your attention towards its presence.
but fortunately, in most of the people, we are finding the following 14 signs that strongly indicate the presence of high blood sugar.

Below mentioned are signs of high sugar levels.
  1. Blurred vision
  2. Dry and itchy skin
  3. Increased thirst
  4. Dry mouth
  5. Recurrent infections
  6. Frequent urination (especially during the night)
  7. Stomach issues
  8. Impotence
  9. Nerve problems
  10. Excess abdominal fat
  11. Slow healing of injuries and cuts
  12. Constant hunger
  13. Extreme tiredness
  14. Difficulty in concentration
avoid these foods

fizzy drinks,
baked potato, 
white bread, 

ABOVE  are the foods with a high GI ( Glycemic Index) index.
and should be avoided by persons with high blood sugar.

check this blog post how you can control blood sugar

How to Lower Blood sugar by some useful Vitamins

following is the list that is useful for the people who are suffering from LOW  sugar levels. and it's more dangerous than being high.

  • Eggs
  • Oatmeal
  • Broccoli
  • Pasta, barley, bulgar
  • Fruits and non-starchy vegetables
  • Sweet potato, corn, yam, peas, legumes, and lentils
the above foods should be consumed by the people whose blood sugar drops suddenly low because above all foods have high  -- GI ( Glycemic Index)


when you are a diabetic, you should first understand diabetes very well

do you know,
1. what is diabetes?
2. how diabetes happens to you?
3. what are the signs of prediabetes?
4. how prediabetes can be prevented?
5what foods you should eat while you have diabetes?
6. what food you should avoid as a diabetic?

get all questions answered in this super useful blog post!
how to prevent diabetes

So what is the conclusion?

Pre-diabetes can develop into full-blown diabetes very quickly if you do nothing about it. And the medical consequences of diabetes are very serious indeed.

So take your pre-diabetes seriously and deal with it as outlined above. this will enable you to live a pleasant and fruitful life.

YOU need to have a well-planned strategy to take preventive measures either guided by your doctor or if your doctor has no time for you, in each and for every question arises in your mind, check here you will find the readily available and proven systems to take preventive as well reversing measures on your diabetes.

If you want to know the Truths of  Diabetes, and why the pharma companies and doctors don't want you to always be on diabetic medicines, check this video presentation.

if you really want to come out of this dirty circle of diabetes and want to live a normal life,   click here.  to know -- how???

                                       Type 2 diabetes is fully  REVERSIBLE

14 signs your blood sugar might be very high 14 signs your blood sugar might be very high Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 2:59 PM Rating: 5

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