The #1 WORST Food that CAUSES Faster Aging - Diabetes Truths and Control

The #1 WORST Food that CAUSES Faster Aging

The #1 WORST Food that CAUSES Faster Aging


Do you eat these foods that HARM your blood sugar and age your joints and skin faster?  Some are even deceptively marketed to you as "healthy" by giant food corporations.  Avoid or minimize these and look 5-10 years younger than your real age.

by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist
& Catherine Ebeling - RN, BSN 

Due to biochemical reactions in your body that occur with every type of food you eat on a daily basis, some foods age you FASTER than your real age, while other foods help to FIGHT to age.
Eat the wrong foods regularly, and you can look and feel 10 or more years OLDER than your real age (not fun!) ... but eat the right foods, and over time, you can start to look 5-10 years younger than your real age.

Three of the processes that go on inside your body that have a MAJOR impact on your rate of aging are called "glycation", "inflammation", and "oxidation" 

When we talk about aging, we're not just talking about wrinkles on your skin or how thick your hair is... we're also talking about factors that you can't see, such as how well your organs function, and whether your joints are degrading.

Yes, I'm sure you'll agree this is much more important than just how you look superficially (although we'll show you how to improve BOTH below!)

With the title of this article, you might have guessed that obvious answers like sugar or trans fat would be what we talk about in this article.  Yes, we all already know those are bad, but I want to discuss another food that ages your body faster than normal... and it's one that you might not expect!

So let's dig right in and I'll show you how your rate of aging can be directly related to the foods you might eat every day, and how to protect yourself...

The #1 WORST food that ages you faster:

Wheat-based foods (yes, even "whole wheat")

Before I tell you why wheat can actually speed up the aging process in your body, let's clarify some simple biochemistry in your body...

This deals with "glycation" in your body, and substances called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs).  These nasty little compounds called AGEs speed up the aging process in your body including damage over time to your organs, your joints, and of course, wrinkled skin.
So with that said, what is one of the biggest factors that increase the production of AGEs inside your body?  This may surprise you, but high blood sugar levels over time dramatically increase age-accelerating AGEs in your body.  This is why type 2 diabetics many times appear that they have not aged well and look older than their real age.  But this age-increasing effect is not just limited to diabetics.

So, let's get back to how "whole wheat" relates to this...

Here is a little-known fact that's often covered up by the massive marketing campaigns by giant food companies that want you to believe that "whole wheat" is healthy for you... but the fact is that wheat contains a very unusual type of carbohydrate (not found in other foods) called Amylopectin-A, which has been found in some tests to spike your blood sugar HIGHER than even pure table sugar.

In fact, amylopectin-A (from wheat) raises your blood sugar MORE than almost any other carbohydrate source on earth based on blood sugar response testing that's documented in studies.

This means that wheat-based foods such as bread, bagels, cereals, muffins, and other baked goods often cause MUCH higher blood sugar levels than most other carbohydrate sources.  If you don't believe me, here's something you should know... I ran personal blood sugar tests on myself using a blood glucometer about 45 minutes after eating 2 slices of wheat bread vs eating a bowl of oatmeal, with equivalent grams of carbs. 

The blood sugar test results:
2 slices of whole-wheat toast :
45 minutes after consumption:  Blood sugar spiked from 86 fasting level to 155.

1 Bowl of Oatmeal (equivalent grams of carbs to 2 slices wheat toast)
45 minutes after consumption:   Blood sugar raised from 86 fasting level to 112 

As you know now, the higher your average blood sugar levels are over time, the more AGEs are formed inside your body, which makes you age FASTER.  Clearly, the whole wheat spiked blood sugar MUCH higher than the oatmeal, and if you don't know, 155 is a massive blood sugar reading that will certainly contribute to faster aging if you eat wheat frequently.
You've probably also heard about the potential health-damaging effects of gluten (another problematic compound found in wheat that can cause inflammation in your digestive system ) in the news recently, but this blood sugar aspect we just covered is not talked about that often and is yet another reason to reduce or eliminate wheat-based foods in your diet.  Your body will thank you by aging slower and looking YOUNGER! 

And losing bodyfat is typically another fun side effect of eliminating or reducing wheat in your diet!
Yet another problem with wheat-based foods and aging...
As it turns out, baked wheat products contain carcinogenic chemicals called acrylamides that form in the browned portion of bread, cereals, muffins, etc.  These carcinogenic acrylamides have been linked in studies to possible increased risk of cancer and accelerated aging.  Note that acrylamides are also found in high levels in other browned carbohydrate sources such as french fries or any other browned starchy foods.

Don't worry though... There's a trick that you can use to protect yourself from these carcinogenic acrylamides, and it has to do with eating the RIGHT foods that COUNTERACT damage from these nasty chemicals.  I'll show you how to find the EXACT foods that protect your body

Other foods to watch out for that can increase aging in your body include corn-based foods that also disrupt blood sugar highly (corn cereals, corn chips, corn syrup), soybean oil and other "vegetable" oils that contain excessively refined and processed fats that cause inflammation in your body, and also excess sugars from candies, cakes, and sweetened drinks.
But the good news is...
We'll show you how to find plenty of delicious foods, spices, herbs, and nutrients that PROTECT your body from aging !!!

You will also discover over a dozen surprising tricks you can use daily to FIGHT aging, helping you to look 5-10 years YOUNGER...  unique and delicious anti-aging foods, spices, herbs, teas, and other potent youth-enhancing nutrients:



  By Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist and Diet Detective, and
Catherine Ebeling - RN, BSN, Nutrition Expert 
January 25, 2019 

HEAL Your Joints, SLOW Aging of Your Skin, 
Prevent Diabetes, Normalize Your Blood Pressure, 
Protect Your Brain Health, Supercharge Your Energy, 
Fix Your Digestion, BOOST Your Sluggish Metabolism, 
KILL Stomach Fat...

Getting older is a fact of life… every year on your birthday, it ticks up another year, but…

That does NOT mean your body, mind, joints, and energy have to deteriorate, leaving you with joint & muscle aches and pains, brain fog, a slow metabolism, blood sugar problems & diabetes, zero energy, relying on a medicine cabinet full of pills just to get you moving in the morning, etc.

You have a LOT of control over how your body feels as you get older, but the problem is you’ve been lied to and misled about the foods, spices, drinks, and movements to make you feel better and lose weight.

In fact, it’s NOT your fault if you're over 50 and your mind & body feel 20 years older…

You’ve been told for years that foods like canola oil are healthy, and to avoid coconut oil, when that’s an outright lie - the fact is foods like canola oil, whole wheat bread, and more can age your body FASTER, while foods like coconut oil, grass-fed butter, avocados, and other healthy fats can make your body and mind feel YEARS YOUNGER! 

Please take 2 minutes to read this ALL and discover the exciting (and SIMPLE) ways the foods you eat can turn back the hands of time to help you look and feel YEARS younger!

  • Learn 52 sneaky tricks to counteract the 3 most harmful processes contributing to faster aging in your body... glycation, oxidation, and inflammation.
  • You might already know from our previous articles that taking cinnamon or lemon juice before a meal can dramatically control your blood sugar levels from that meal...and lower blood sugar means less formation of AGEs, reduced appetite, and cravings, and improved fat loss. We'll also show you at LEAST 15 other powerful herbs, spices, and nutrients that are robust blood sugar controllers (these can help FIGHT diabetes!)
  • Eating too much trans fat can harm your cell membranes... but eating more healthy fats can help reverse that harm. We'll show you 11 of the healthiest (and delicious) fat sources that can balance your hormones and protect your cell membranes.
  • How to use 5 tasty "fatty" foods to protect your skin and give it a more youthful appearance. And you'll be surprised to know that even some saturated fat sources can be very beneficial for you!
  • 80% of people are deficient in a vital mineral that is necessary for proper carbohydrate metabolism ... are YOU?
  • An unusual herbal ingredient that most people have never heard of that is not only a strong anti-oxidant but also helps you maintain lower blood sugar and thereby reduce the formation of aging compounds in your body.
  • How soaking any meat in this natural juice before grilling can significantly reduce the formation of exogenous AGEs in the cooked meat. This means healthier meat helping to support your anti-aging goals.
  • Discover the SINGLE most important vitamin that can help prevent accelerated aging. In fact, one study found that having adequate levels of this vitamin can make you equivalent to 5 years younger from a cellular level based on telomere length.
  • Do you love grilled or steamed artichoke? Good news... find out why this helps to prevent aging in your body!
  • Discover how using a specific cooking method for your food can dramatically reduce age-accelerating compounds and protect your body from excess aging
  • Beware of these 3 sinister food additives (that age you faster) that are added to many of the packaged foods that you probably buy at the grocery store. You'll see exactly how to avoid these nasty additives to protect your body.
  • Learn which types of drinks are 10x more likely to cause glycation in your cells (which ages you faster), and delicious alternative drinks that actually FIGHT aging.
  • ... and so much more!! 
    Imagine waking up tomorrow, looking yourself in the mirror and seeing a reflection that looks 5, 10, even 15 years YOUNGER…

    … Imagine how you’ll feel when your joints stop aching, your energy levels skyrocket and you begin sleeping soundly and completely through the night…

    The good news is turning back the hands of time so you can look and feel years younger is actually pretty simple…

    … All you have to do is follow these simple, easy, and scientifically PROVEN nutrition secrets.
We'll also share it with you...
  • 13 unique spices that protect your body from aging on a cellular level... and I bet you're not currently using at least half of these anti-aging spices! Three of these unique spices can be used to help naturally lower your blood pressure . And at least FOUR of these spices have been found to exert potent metabolism-boosting effects! You'll also learn our favorite "super-spice" that enhances your BRAIN function!
  • A unique amino acid you can take that actually "counter-attacks" formation of AGEs in your body, thereby fighting one of the worst processes that contribute to premature aging in your body.
  • A very potent nutrient found in certain fish that actually gets into your skin cells to help prevent UV damage. This simple nutrient literally protects your skin from damage from the inside out ( hint: it's not found in fish oil)
  • Some types of meat accelerate aging, while other types of meat can actually FIGHT to age...learn exactly how to choose the right meats and how to prepare meat to make any meat dish MUCH healthier!
  • The herb, you probably aren't currently using, that contains powerful phytonutrients that COMBAT age-related damage to your organs, skin, and joints.
  • surprising fruit that I bet you aren't eating (delicious, by the way) that studies show helps to fight inflammation in your joints... if you want to maintain healthy joints and keep active as you get older, this fruit should be in your weekly repertoire!
  • Discover how mushrooms have unique nutrients that can help you stay young and prevent disease!
  • What does "collagen" have to do with aging and how can you use this to look 5-10 years younger? We'll show you inside!
  • How to use delicious soups to help PROTECT your joints and keep your skin youthful (beware: 95% of most store-bought soups are terrible for you)
  • The 13 richest Vitamin C foods that help rebuild your collagen.
  • You'll discover 6 tasty foods that actually help to HEAL any damage you've done to your digestive system over the years (and I bet you're only eating 1 of these 6 superfoods currently)
  • And DOZENS of more anti-aging tricks to SLOW the aging process in your body to a crawl, and look and feel a decade younger than your real age.
You're also going to discover how to use sinfully delicious "junk foods" like chocolate, coffee, and wine to...
... Rejuvenate your joints, KILL your blood pressure, CONTROL your blood sugar, and "reboot" your metabolism

All based on tips like...
  • Harnessing the scientifically proven power of red wine to slow down aging. The secret isn't just in the lower stress you'll feel... it's all due to one very POWERFUL antioxidant that destroys the free-radicals roaming your body. Drink up and enjoy this anti-aging super-drink!
  • How to rejuvenate your skin with the perfect blend of chocolate and sugar (you'll also fight inflammation and REVERSE skin damage with this specific class of antioxidants)
  • Exactly what to eat BEFORE bed. Don't be fooled - it's perfectly okay to eat late at night, BUT you have to know WHAT to eat (I'll give you a hint: 3 of them are desserts!)
  • 1 The tasty trick to transform your daily cup of coffee into an anti-aging elixir that naturally lowers blood sugar and FIGHTS diabetes. Using the exact food I show you can turn your daily habit of coffee into one of your healthiest habits!
  • Uncover the TRUTH about butter (and why it's perfectly okay to slather a delicious spread on your favorite foods ... and FIGHT aging, without gaining weight!)
  • Do NOT give up bread! I'm going to share with you 2 delicious types of bread that do NOT sabotage your body.
  • What to NEVER eat for breakfast... and 9 easy-to-make and mouth-watering choices instead!
and so much more! 


Check out this AMAZING life-changing testimonial from a loyal customer, Bill…


I have been reading your newsletter for over a year and a half now, and thanks to your "101 Anti Aging Foods" book I managed to nearly eradicate arthritis and tendonitis, and totally eradicated liver pains I'd had, not to mention noticeably improving my health in general. 

All because of your hard work and fearlessness -- THANK YOU!

Thanks KETAN.”

Bill Young Jr.

San Diego, CA

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The #1 WORST Food that CAUSES Faster Aging The #1 WORST Food that CAUSES Faster Aging Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 1:48 PM Rating: 5

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