diabetes symptoms 8 signs - Diabetes Truths and Control


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diabetes symptoms 8 signs

 diabetes symptoms 8 signs

In a health-conscious world, it is easier to spot symptoms of diabetes in the early stages, which is known as pre-diabetes.  
Discovering and taking notice of early diabetic signs gives you a fighting chance of preventing diabetes altogether.  Look out for these 8 pre-diabetes symptoms...

diabetes is a silent killer

You are living your day to day life and you never know that diabetes is entering into you slowly and silently. but this killer decease gives some signals
to you to observe and if you can know and identify them, you can catch the killer entering into you.

The following is the list of those symptoms.

1) If you find you are excessively thirsty, not just after extreme exercise or hot weather.
2) You seem to constantly have a dry mouth - even if you've just had a drink.

3) You find you are having to urinate frequently.

4) You have unexpected weight loss or gain (even though you may be constantly hungry and eating well. Of course you may be eating the wrong things which would probably make your pre-diabetes symptom worse). 

5) You feel lethargic.  You always feel as if you've got no energy; you are weak and tired all the time.
6) Sometimes your vision is blurry - be careful, untreated eye problems caused by diabetes can lead to blindness. You should have regular eye checks, especially as you get older because your eyes can be the early warning signal for many diseases – not just diabetes.

7) You have cuts or sores or bruises (especially on your feet) that are slow to heal.

8) If you experience excessive itching or soreness in the genital area or yeast infections (which can be misdiagnosed as thrush) it may be a sign of too much sugar in your urine.

There are different types of diabetes; pre-diabetes, type 1, type 2, gestational, and maturity-onset.  And, dependent upon your age, lifestyle, and family history you may be more susceptible to developing diabetes. 

For example, you may be more prone to developing diabetes if any of these factors apply to you:

Your family background is African American, American Indian, Asian American, Pacific Islander, or Hispanic American/Latino.
You have a parent, brother, or sister with diabetes.

You are aged over 45 and are overweight you might be at risk of diabetes type 2

You have had gestational diabetes or have given birth to a baby over 9 pounds in weight.

You have high blood pressure.

Your cholesterol levels are not good.
BE aware of all these symptoms and treat diabetes from its root. I know one sure cure remedy, with which type 2 diabetes is completely healed!
check here to know more... 

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