best 5 diabetes travel tips - Diabetes Truths and Control

best 5 diabetes travel tips

best 5 diabetes travel tips

Planning ahead when you travel reduces stress. This is particularly important for a diabetic. These 5 diabetes travel tips are simple to implement and crucial to your diabetic management. They are particularly important if you are traveling abroad.

1) Have a pre-travel check-up. Make sure your A1C blood sugar levels; your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels are OK. Get the appropriate shots for any country you plan to visit.
2) Wear a diabetes medical ID. Ideally, it should be in the language spoken in the country you're visiting. Not everyone speaks your language and you don't want medical problems through misunderstandings.
3) Keep your medication and glucose snacks in your hand luggage. Check-in baggage does, unfortunately, go astray. Don't risk your diabetes medication by packing it in your main luggage.
4) Keep your medication in its original box, complete with pharmacy labels. It will prevent misunderstandings about why you are carrying drugs and if you are on insulin, syringes.
5) Be aware of time zone changes, especially when altering your watch. Remember when you travel east your day becomes shorter; if you travel west your day becomes longer. You may need to alter the timings of your medication.
Traveling need not be traumatic. A sensible attitude and a bit of pre-travel planning can make things go far more smoothly.
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best 5 diabetes travel tips best 5 diabetes travel tips Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 5:42 AM Rating: 5

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