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8 steps after you diagnosed with diabetes type 2

8 steps after you diagnosed with diabetes type 2

What after you diagnosed a diabetic and your doctor announced that you are a type 2 diabetic now!
I know it's very sad news for you, and you think your world is sinking. Your life is going to be changed now. your doctor gave you a long list of the things to do, and the things not to do. 
But, you are still much confused I know, Next morning comes and you are thinking, what you have to do to keep your blood sugar in level. your mind raising the questions in your daily practical life, and I know that too you are shy or hesitating to call your doctor to ask for the small things, about your small confusions.
This happens with most of us when we are diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic for the first time.
Here in this blog post, I have tried to give you some indications and guidelines what are the things you need to do to make your life better. you can adjust or alter some of the things as per your convenience but most principles are remaining the same. 

First thing I would suggest, 

1. You are now diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and you are not held responsible for it. 

I am sure your doctor will not make you aware, is you are not to be scolded by your family of others.

 you maybe don't know that but, diabetes type 2  is dependent on your lifestyle. You should learn that,  

1. If you Reduce your weight, you’ll easily control your blood sugar. 

2. your body needs exercise, if you give it, that will be surely helpful to manage your blood sugar.

More of that, Type 2 diabetes also happens because of your genes. 
Everybody is different from genes, and you didn’t choose to be in this condition. 

Something more that you have to accept was that you may already have some decease, which played a big part in being with insulin resistance condition

You may blame your self that is was all your fault, your body may have some issues, and you are not at fault. need to ask things as you are new. 

Every way in life, this in a nicer way, that you ask about which you don't know!

and I tell you, this is going to make your life much better. as being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes you need to know so many things to implement in your day to day life.

be sure that If you have a question, do not be afraid or ashamed to ask it. 
I would summarize some of  the questions for you here
  • 1. What exactly Type 2 Diabetes is?
  • 2. Is Type 2 Diabetes reversible, or else I am going to suffer with it forever?
  • 3. What are those established methods to know if my blood sugar is getting under the control range?
  • 4. do I need to come back to the doctor from time to time?
  • 5. What time intervals in a day I should test my blood sugar?
  • 6. Do I need to see any other doctors like a Dietician, A diabetic educator, or an Endocrinologist?
  • 7.  As a diabetic what is that special diet that I should follow?
  • 8. Are there any chances of complications in the near future because of diabetes that I should be aware of?
  • 9. What do I do if I’m having a high, or low blood sugar? How do I treat it?
  • 10. What are those immediate signs that Indicate my High sugar state?
As per me, the above questions are the very important ones and a type 2 diabetic should now the answers for sure.

It’s must ask questions, and there is nothing to shy about it. 
When you are Educated, you will not have anxiety  and that is better to control again your blood sugar.

You must know exactly what your body is doing. that can give you better control of your decease.

3. specialists are not far if needed

If needed, your doctor will refer you, to a specialist.  and it is actually recommended also.
 don't rush suddenly to many, visit just a few and those are highly required to.

 You need a dietician who is going to evaluate you for what you eat and suggest you the best according to the tailormade needs that can help you to keep your blood sugar in control
You may need a diabetes educator who is going to teach you the tactics of checking your blood sugar, logging your outcomes, and can suggest you the tools to live healthy day-to-day.

 if you are type 1, you may need An Endocrinologist, who is going to help you make sure you’re getting the right doses of insulin and it’s actually working in your body the right way.

I encourage you to visit all of these 3 specialists at least once depending on your needs, their advice will teach you many things and you can ask them the questions to gather your own personal knowledge also.

I personally have good relations with my family doctor, they been able to do for me is to prescribe medication and sometimes very useful to get answers for my confusion.

The role of the specialists is to be helpful for additional and sometimes deep education, and they also had a thorough understanding of what I needed help with and they have answers also.

4. Friends and family are for support 

Mostly your friend and family don't know about diabetes and the various conditions about it. they are going to be surprised ignorantly when you let them know about your type 2 diabetic condition.

you need to keep in mind that they are general and common people, and they have never dealt with diabetes, so they are not knowing the things about it and in that situation, it becomes your duty to make them educated about it.

 in the common society, Diabetes is generally misunderstood,  only people with Type 2 Diabetes know that better than anyone.

when you are entered into the situation, you need to make your self more and more educated.
 it becomes your duty for your self, to learn how to explain your chronic illness to others so that you’re well-prepared to answer questions.

As, people do not know it you’ll get some funny questions and suggestions from them.

Your family and friends will also come to your rescue when you need it.

There have been so many times where I’ve cried to my mom out of frustration or showed my wife my blood sugar readings when things are going well.

Your circle is one of the most important parts of this life. They will give you strength and help whenever you need it most.

5. Find the same people like you in a community who face the same troubles as you.

I   found big communities of people like me on Pinterest and Instagram.
Though the Type 1 diabetes community is very large, there’s even a big percentage of people opening up freely about their experiences, troubles, and struggles with Type 2 Diabetes as well.

One of my favorite chats, DSMA was so helpful in accepting my diagnosis. I was a long-time lurker before I jumped in, and everyone there has been so welcoming and open.

There are also forums all over the internet that help. Diabetes Daily and Diabetes Connect are just two of the countless places you can search through.

6. you can start with small steps to change your habits.

Find out and establish a daily routine of your choice.

1. do the yoga,
2. walk at least 1km. every day.
3. if you like running do it.
4. try weightlifting.
5. Find some simple recipes you love and make them happy.
6. Try to find out the diabetic recipes book.
7. listen to some lite music every day for one hour.
8. keep your moods calm and positive.

Whatever you do, do it at every day the same time, and spare the time aside for it.

Work will play a great role to relieve stress and help you balance your blood sugar.

Keep recording and monitoring your blood glucose every day. Don’t get discouraged when you have off-days, It will happen, but it’s okay.

7. Make a habit to write your daily diary.

If you’re crazy like me, you can start a blog, or if you want to make things more simple, keep a journal and write down how you felt today before you go to bed.

It will help you sort out your feelings and it’s something you can certainly go back to when you want to figure out why some days are good, and some days aren’t.

see, I love my little diary and it helps so much with reflection.

8. You don’t have to be ashamed about being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

This is probably going to be one of the hardest things that ever happens to you in your life, but I promise you don’t have to be ashamed.

1. You have people to lean on.
2. You have the inner strength to take this day by day.
3. You are going to make it through this.
4. Type 2 Diabetes is a serious illness, but there is help, and there are resources.
I hope what you read here is helpful. These are all of the things I wish I knew when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

and lastly, Remember, "YOU WILL BE WHAT YOU WILL THINK!"
so, keep a positive attitude if you want to come out of your diabetes, additional help is HERE.

8 steps after you diagnosed with diabetes type 2 8 steps after you diagnosed with diabetes type 2 Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 1:13 PM Rating: 5

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