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diabetes home remedies

                 Diabetes Proven home remedy
                   No need to worry at all for diabetes! It can be cured surely, and you will be healed!

29.1 million people in the United States have diabetes, but 8.1 million may be undiagnosed and unaware of their condition. About 1.4 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed in the United States every year. More than one in every 10 adults who are 20 years or older has diabetes

Are you one of them?

If so, you would understand how baffling it is to fight and control this lifestyle disease.

As per the Chinese, mango leaves can be your answer to cure diabetes! An extract of mango leaves has been used for centuries to treat diabetes as well as asthma. It is because of the leaves’ abundance of nutrients. 

Mango leaves can treat diabetes

Mango leaves are rich in nutrients and the tender leaves contain high levels of phenolic compounds and flavonoids. "Ayurveda"(INDIAN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE) has described multiple ailments where mango leaves can be used as a treatment.
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Tender mango leaves which are still slightly purple/pink in color are rich in tannins called anthocyanidins. These compounds are the pigments that provide the leaf it’s a darker hue and is very effective for treating early diabetes. Dried leaves are crushed into a fine powder and then boiled in water to prepare a tea.
As the second method, boil about 15 fresh mango leaves in 100ml or 150ml of water, for 10 minutes. leave the concoction overnight, and drink it before your breakfast, ( empty stomach) 
Some people in our western world still not accepting the INDIAN  Rich "Ayurveda" Remedies, and so, they stay away from "nature's cure". of course there are certainly more and same effective remedies are also there if you don't like and trust this mango leaves method like the one - here

that also gives good results. and it's proven also. so try it too when you are far from a mango tree and want the faster results with that proven method worldwide. it's here.

if you are overweight and the same time you are diabetic too, you would like to have a look here, it's explained -- what is the relation of your weight ( fat) to your diabetes hikes! 
in that situation, you should surely and firstly, should make good and serious efforts to reduce your weight and melt the extra fat from your body. 

diabetes home remedies diabetes home remedies Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 9:32 AM Rating: 5

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