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10 Expert tips to diabetics for staying fit during the coronavirus pandemic


coronavirus covid-19 resilient stay strong support diabetes
“If you watch the news and see the empty streets, it looks like doomsday. But we have to bear in mind that we are not all going to die.”
So says Dr. Zahi Ben-Zion, chief psychiatrist for the southern district of Israel and chief of sexual health medicine at Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva.
“Most people won’t be very ill from this disease and things will get back [to normal],” Ben-Zion reassured participants in a mental-health webinar sponsored by American Friends of Soroka.
But until that time comes – may it be soon! – the coronavirus pandemic has many of us feeling scared, stressed, and lonely.
After years of war and trauma, Israeli mental-health professionals are renowned worldwide for their expertise in teaching people how to be resilient through thick and thin.
 practical tips from three experts to help you and your loved ones maintain emotional health during this difficult time.

TIP #1: Caution, not fear
“This is a time to discriminate between being cautious and being fearful. We need to be cautious but not fearful,” says Ben-Zion.
Caution means following government directives about staying home, protecting yourself when you do need to go out, and washing hands often with soap and warm water.
Fear means panic-buying ridiculous quantities of toilet roll, being glued to the news obsessively, and other doomsday behaviors that only make you – and those around you — more fretful.
“I tell my patients to write down their worries and then throw them in the trash,” says Ben-Zion.
Tip #2: Let go and accept the new normal
“You think you are who you are because you do X or Y — and now you can’t do it anymore,” says clinical social worker Talia Levanon, director of the Israel Trauma Coalition.
“Think of things you are willing to let go of every day, things you can give up, and accept this as the new normal for however long this situation lasts.”
Levanon gives a personal example: “I find myself on Zoom and phone calls for so many hours these days that I can’t call many of the people I normally would. I just have to accept that.”
Another example is changing rules to suit the situation.
“If you usually limit your kids to 20 minutes of screen time, you shouldn’t feel guilty to allow them more time and explain that this is the new rule for now,” says Levanon.

Tip #3: Maintain routine
“When everything we know doesn’t seem relevant and we feel paralyzed, we must make sure to create continuity in most of our roles in life,” says Levanon. “It is important now to continue a routine or create a new routine.”
Eat at normal times, go to bed at normal times, and get up at normal times even though life isn’t normal. If you have children at home, create and enforce a schedule of educational and recreational activities appropriate for each child.
“When everything changes, we want to keep some things constant, especially when we don’t have control over the situation,” said clinical psychologist Eli Somer, professor emeritus of psychology at University of Haifa’s School of Social Work, during an online briefing hosted by the American Society of the University of Haifa.
Tip #4: Practice gratitude
“Remind yourself every day of three things to be thankful for,” recommends Ben-Zion.
This is a great exercise to do with family members of all ages at the end of each day.
Somer says an attitude of gratitude will help assure that you will come out of this pandemic with a deeper appreciation for life.
Tip #5: Reframe your situation
“We have a choice whether to label ourselves as victims of the situation or to reframe it as a place where we have no control but within which we can make a lot of choices,” says Levanon.
“Instead of thinking, ‘It’s so terrible, I’m home with the kids and we’re climbing the walls,’ instead I can think, ‘This is an opportunity for strengthening the kids, for teaching them to do household chores and giving them responsibilities, even if it’s just choosing the game to play today.’ I can reframe it from a tragedy and use words of coping.”
When you are proactive, she says, you are less of a victim of circumstances.
Tip #6: Stay connected
Children may be disappointed that they can’t be with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins for the Passover Seder or other family occasions. But there are effective ways to retain a sense of family.
Levanon suggests having children write letters or holiday greeting cards to their relatives. Engage children in Zoom meetings or video calls with loved ones to create a feeling of family togetherness. You may want to choose a different friend or relative to call each day of the week.

Tip #7: Speak and listen with care
“Children take cues from their parents. So, I would advise parents that their kids react to what they say [about the corona crisis] and how they say it,” says Somer.
Listening is no less important than choosing the right words to say.
“Parents should make themselves available to listen and answer any questions their children may have,” says Somer.
He urges everyone to listen for signs of emotional distress in people we’re close with, particularly if they are elderly, migrants, unemployed, victims of domestic violence, or individuals with a history of anxiety, PTSD, or depression. If professional guidance seems warranted, help them get it.
“If someone you know is struggling, let them talk to you and just listen,” says Ben-Zion.
He urges everyone to listen for signs of emotional distress in people we’re close with, particularly if they are elderly, migrants, unemployed, victims of domestic violence, or individuals with a history of anxiety, PTSD, or depression. If professional guidance seems warranted, help them get it.
“If someone you know is struggling, let them talk to you and just listen,” says Ben-Zion.
Tip #8: Tap into your inner resources
“During this challenging time, people can realize their own capacities — their ability to withstand and prevail,” says Somer.
“The pandemic gives us an opportunity to reassess what’s important to us and appreciate the smaller things in life. Some of us may discover spirituality, the value of family, intimacy with their partner, and the value of pausing to reflect.”
Ben-Zion adds, “Look back on problems that you had that you thought was unbearable and how you got out of them.”
Tip #9: Keep the flame burning
Your sex life may lose its sizzle when you and your partner are stuck at home stressed out about your finances, your children, your elderly parents, your health, and the general state of the world.
“It’s not a time to try new positions from the Kama Sutra,” Ben-Zion advises.
“If you want to make love, it’s a good and positive thing but not everyone is into that right now. Make an appointment to discuss with one another what you want and need. Your partner cannot read your mind.”
Touching, back rubs, caressing, hugging, and kissing are all important aspects of an intimate relationship, he points out.
To get yourself and your partner in the mood, Ben-Zion says, you’ve got to get out of pajamas, shower, dress nicely, and keep yourself groomed– even if you have nowhere to go.
Above all, “Be patient and kind to each other. Don’t bring up topics that make you quarrel.”
Tip #10: Learn new things but don’t make big changes
Being grounded at home presents excellent opportunities for learning new skills or trying new hobbies – anything from knitting to qi gong.
However, cautions Ben-Zion, “This is not a time to go on a diet, to divorce or to marry. It’s a time to learn things you can do yourself, such as cooking.”
Because it is normal to feel tense during this pandemic, Ben-Zion recommends self-care activities such as meditating and exercising.

10 Expert tips to diabetics for staying fit during the coronavirus pandemic 10 Expert tips to diabetics for staying fit during the coronavirus pandemic Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 3:06 PM Rating: 5



diabetes support self-care management tips insulin
Here are the seven diabetes self-care behaviors, developed by the American Association of Diabetes Educators, which can help you in better managing your diabetes:
1. Healthy Eating
Eating well is an important part of managing diabetes. The right eating plan can help you to manage your blood glucose levels, your blood fats, and blood pressure and to maintain a healthy weight, or lose weight if you need to. This doesn’t mean giving up all of your favorite foods but it may mean eating less of certain foods and more of others. An Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) can help you to develop an eating plan to suit your individual needs.
2. Problem Solving
Diabetes is a balancing act – you need to constantly balance food, activity levels and medication to keep your blood glucose levels in the target.
This isn’t always easy as there are many different things that can affect your diabetes management, some which are difficult to plan for.  The key is becoming a good problem solver and learning from experience, so if something happens that gets you off track, you can learn from this experience and take it into account the next time you face a similar situation. 
It’s also important to know what to do in different situations such as sick days, when you are traveling, and on special occasions. Knowing how to adjust your diabetes management in these situations will help you to avoid running into problems. Make a list to discuss with your diabetes educator, dietitian or doctor at your next appointment.
3. Being Active
Exercise doesn’t just help to manage blood glucose levels, it also reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, helps to manage weight, reduces stress and depression, and improves sleep.
You also feel better when you exercise regularly and everyday activities get easier so you can do more of the things you enjoy.  The good news is that exercise doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym – there are plenty of options from walking and swimming to having a hit of tennis, joining a dance class or playing a round of golf. Sitting less and moving more throughout the day is also important.
4. Monitoring
Monitoring your blood glucose levels is an important tool in managing your diabetes.  By checking your blood glucose levels regularly you can:
  • determine whether your levels are in your target range or if they are above or below this range;
  • learn how different foods, exercise, stress, and illness affect your blood glucose levels;
  • know when you need to see your health care team adjust your diabetes management plan.
5. Healthy Coping
Living with a chronic condition like diabetes can affect you emotionally, as well as physically. And unfortunately, both stress and depression can affect blood glucose levels and make it harder to manage your diabetes.
Consider things you can do to improve your coping skills, such as exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and rest, making time for activities you enjoy, and enlisting the support of family and friends.
And remember that while it’s normal for all of us to sometimes feel stressed, anxious, or depressed, if your symptoms don’t go away it’s important to seek help.

6. Taking Medication
There are many types of medication that your doctor may recommend you take when you have diabetes. These medications can help to lower your blood glucose levels and reduce your risk of complications.
However, many people don’t take the medication their doctor prescribes. This may be because they think it doesn’t work, they experience side effects, they have trouble affording the cost of them or they just forget. If there is a reason you haven’t been taking your medication, discuss this with your doctor or diabetes educator who can answer your questions and address any concerns about your medications and how they work, and help you with strategies to overcome any barriers.  
7. Reducing Risks
Having diabetes puts you at a higher risk of developing a number of other health problems.  The good news is that the risk of these complications can be significantly reduced. The key is having regular health checks which can help to detect any problems early. Diabetes Australian recommends a Diabetes Annual Cycle of Care which is completed by your general practitioner to help you and your health professionals in managing your diabetes and to reduce your risk of diabetes-related complications.

DIABETES SELF-CARE DIABETES SELF-CARE Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 2:45 PM Rating: 5

five diabetes friendly advises every diabetic should follow

five diabetes-friendly advises every diabetic should follow

here presented the 5 easy ways to improve your diabetes life.

generally, there are so many things a diabetic person is said to do and eat that- and don't eat that, and a lot of advice from the doctor and the friends, and the people and the stuff all over the net here, and that's enough to make him confused what to do and what not to do. AND THERE THERE ARE CHANCES TO MAKE MISTAKES AND THOSE ARE COSTLY.

In this blog post, I will suggest the 5 simple things that will surely make your life much better as a diabetic.

1. make smoothies quite often.
you will think here what this topic I have started here saying about making smoothies??
generally we have the impression and practices that the smoothies are so delicious and full of our taste. but here I am saying you to make a simple smoothie that will suit to a diabetic and yet its almost a testy one.
make the smoothie by simply gather a few things, and that smoothie is really time saver, healthy, and really consuming very less time to make. it's a perfect breakfast or small meal or in between the meals as a little substitute.
get things like 1 potato, 1 banana,  some spinach,  some cucumber, some broccoli, and some Spirulina powder and a little bit of stevia.  (  just a little teaspoon -- and that's a bit relaxation feeling not to be diabetic. ha. ha .ha !) 

this smoothie is the best substitute for your hunger between meals and makes 2 glasses and one glass you can put in ref. to be preserved for next time you feel like eating something ! this is quite healthy and very suitable when you have diabetes!

if I count the total sugar that's your intake with this smoothie,
 that becomes like the following calculation.

1 potato small (170g) = 1.3g
Banana (medium) 118g  = 14g
Broccoli – 1 cup chopped = 1.5g
Cucumber – 1 8-in = 5g
Spinach – 1 cup = 0.1g
-------------------------------- total is 21.9gm sugar. ( AND  that is not much as you will do exercise)

If I let you know the total sugar that is presented in a coke cane, its -- 39gms.! 
so, our smoothie is much better than that!

make a habit to make this smoothie every day!


2. Do some fun exercises 

 Doing exercise is an unavoidable part of the drama for any diabetic person. but let me tell you, that is the thing that every diabetic wants to avoid too!

frankly speaking, no one (99%) don't like to do exercise.
but doing exercise is the MUST and the game-changer factor of this diabetes drama. so there is no alternative to that. here my advice is to make that exercise full of fun that you enjoy while doing it. that will serve two purposes, one is to give your body the chance to burn your sugar, and the second is to make your mind free and relaxed!

so start it from today! that's my best advice.



It's time already to change your habit to have all those candy, chips, popcorn, or burgers, as your snacks! FORGET THEM  they contain many health disturbing things.
better I suggest something ,that is even delicious and you will love it once you will make it and taste it!

 1.Whole-wheat crackers with cheese 

2.Popcorn -- a low-sugar, low-calorie food option to snack on.( air-pop your own.)

3.Whole-Grain Cereal/crackers and cheese 

4.Scrambled Eggs and Toast --6 grams protein in one egg. eat one or two.

5.Almonds(air fry) and Fruit - provides more than 15 vitamins and minerals

6. Hard-boiled eggs -- garnish them with a healthy topping like guacamole.

7.Avocado(one-fourth to one-half an avocado) -- on its own, or make it into a dip such as guacamole

8.Grass-fed beef sticks -- higher in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their potential role in keeping blood sugar levels stable 

9. Roasted chickpeas -- roasted with olive oil and seasonings of your choice make the best choice for a diabetic for the snacks, as it's known for its potential to help manage blood sugar levels.

10.Tuna salad --  made by combining tuna with mayonnaise and other ingredients, such as celery and onions. 22 grams of protein and no carbs, which makes it a great snack option if you have diabetes

SO these were the testy and novel options and alternatives to that junk food and burgers you took as your snacks before! these are healthy and much healthy for your body.



make a habit to eat the food in small chunks more often.
do not eat all together with your BIG lunch or dinner. that will raise suddenly your blood sugar and will have the sugar spike.
instead of that, eating in small chunks will keep you fit and lite, and the same time you will not face the sudden rise in your blood sugar.


5. take suppliants, not as food.

himalaya diabecon

If you are taking any supplements, it's good, but take it as the supplement, and not as your food, like you say or think that I have taken this .. this supplement,. so now I need not take any food! NO   don't do that. take them as supplements only.
there are many supplements that help like herbal supplements that help major ways to control and make your blood sugar steady during day or night times, but they are to be taken as the supplements only. and not as the complete food.


so, we have seen the 5 major things that are advisable to live diabetic life more smoothly.

Diabetes is a complex decease and needs to be taken care of very right way and by correct and effective methodology.
In this decease as a patient, you need to know all the truths about it and need to be your own doctor and to take your own decisions as per your own knowledge that you gather. you can not ask your doctor every now and then about the things that you can do or not, or the things you can eat or not.

because he is far from you and he may make the mistake in taking a decision and giving you the consultation about the situations because he do not know every detail what is the current scenario around you or with you. and in that case he may go wrong to give the advice.

you should know all and everything right about your diabetes. doctors are advising only Allopathic medicines and making big profits to the big pharma and themselves  and that is a fact that is happening nowadays.

make your self to know about the truth of diabetes and tackle your diabetes according to that so that you can do the best about your own diabetes. you need to SEE THIS VIDEO PRESENTATION  to know all the truths about the decease diabetes and then you will feel that many many are the things that as even being a diabetic, YOU NEVER KNEW THAT BEFORE.

keep on checking my more blogs for much broader vital information about different aspects and truths about your diabetes.


five diabetes friendly advises every diabetic should follow five diabetes friendly advises every diabetic should follow Reviewed by Diabetes Truths and Control on 2:32 AM Rating: 5

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